Tuesday 18 August 2009


I'm sitting in an over-crowded, tiny-ass Stockholm apartment, waiting for my fatigue to entirely take over me so that I can actually turn off my computer and go to bed. Just yesterday, at one point, there was 10 people in this hole of a residence, which is even too crowded for 2. I had to go beyond myself to find 10 chairs in the household. And then dragging them all around the kitchen table in a family-like manner. The screeching noises really went well with the indigestion of my what-was-supposed-to-be a delicious dinner.

I'm not here to complain about my apartment. Or the lack or room. Or that my dinner was ruined. I am here to share a part of my daily thoughts, of things that interest and worry me. I will slowly introduce myself in every post, so that it doesn't feel like I'm trying to sell off my information on some kind of cheap creep-factor match-making website.

--Squeeze a Lemon

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