Wednesday 31 March 2010

My Dream Home

I have an obsession... To keep myself going I look at blogs which talk about interior design and they constantly show picture of beautiful homes. I love following them, imagining how my dream home would look like. I love strong colors, especially orange and silver/grey... so here is a couple of examples.

If I get a large one room apartment, I think this is almost an ideal setting - you have a living room and a bed.. and the colors balance out. The wall paper makes sure the room doesn't look to grey...

AHHHH!!! ORANGE! That looks so beautiful. It's happy, but even though there is so much stuff going on in the room, it is still balance and calm. When I have a bedroom the size of a whole one-room apartment... I'm doing something like this. And I'm not sharing.

So this is just the living room of this beautiful home... but I like the the balance iof all these odd colors.. and the pillows.. the pillows...

And this is just a random picture from some seller on Etsy. I love magnolia trees and flowers. It's ridiculous that nature can create something so beautiful.

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