Sunday 28 March 2010

A Night Out With the Girls

This is Amy and Justyna. Amy came all the way from Ireland to visit Justyna and experience the British culture. Yeah....

I dunno who this girl is, but this picture is just kind of ironic... I mean, putting on lipstick, in the dark, already with so much make-up on... and staring straight into a strangers camera. Wow.

Zisky had a great time, too. The night wasn't what we expected it to be - when Pig n Rat said it's going to be "rave" they meant hard-core electronic music... almost impossible to dance to.

Amy, Justyna, Rhodri and Zisky. Very hard to take a good photo under the influence.

Zisky had to stop by Chris's room to pick up flip-flops. We all made plans to wear heals and look fabulous and then we just went in flip-flops. Excellent.

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