Tuesday 22 December 2009

"Shut up, you will end up in the porno industry"

Well, exams are over, term 1 of year 2 is over, my time in Ottawa is up and I am ready and eager for new adventures. And no, not the porn industry.

I don't know when my next blog entry will be, so... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Saturday 19 December 2009

Auf Wiedersehen

Aaron: Omg... no.
Sak: FU
Me: Omg... no.
Aaron: The jury has made their verdict, you must pack your bags and leave the beauty island immediately.
Me: Auf Wiedersehen
The Lesson: don't fuck with my facebook comments, bitch.

When the roof caved in

Love love love their voices. Play at my next b-day, please?

A Christmas Carol

After I finished my 7-hour exam which I am not even sure how I did - I went to dinner with my friend Brit and some other people from CarletonU, and then we went to see the play A Christmas Carol, and it was amazing! Fantastic acting, they really kept the essence of Charles Dickens!

Wednesday 16 December 2009

My Amateur Interest in Space

Take a look here at these amazing photos taken with the Herschel telescope of space. Amazing!

Southern Cross of March 1996


So I think it's retarded that the new ipod nano has a camera. Such a useless thing to have.. and it was only put there to increase market value. It's not like it's an improved version or anything, they just need to boost sales. If you gonna shoot video's, at least don't fall for random "developments".

Tribute to the Warmer Days

Taken on a warm autumn day, when sunshine was not considered a mythical term...

I love My Mom...

...for sending me the sweetest messages on FB when I completely screwed up on an academic assignment. I woke up in the morning today and I had three different comments from her, and it instantly made me feel better. She is absolutely awesome and I would not have managed without her support. She gives me my strength to travel and study like a lunatic, yet somehow still find some kind of balance on which I fall back to.

Can't wait until I see her in January... and I especially can't wait until our trip together!

It's only Wednesday

And how do I know that I am super-super busy?!
Well, the first give-away sign for me would be my compulsive list making. As soon as I have a build up of stuff to do, I begin making lists. And since I usually never have any proper paper to write my lists out on - I write on receipts, candy wrappers, ripped out journal papers, old essays - anything I can find with one clean side. And I never forget where I put the cluttered sheet of paper. I know what pocket, bag, wallet, book I put these lists in to make sure I don't forget. For me, it serves as a sign that life is moving on for me.

But really, since Sunday I have been one busy bee. Me being busy also serves as a reason to avoid studying for like, you know, 7-hour exams on subjects which are "subjective".

So far, I've had time to:
  1. Order my ungraded transcript.
  2. Buy a bag.
  3. Call the respective airlines for further questioning about my flight.
  4. Cut my hair.
  5. Buy Christmas presents and wrap them.
  6. Make a list to what I'm taking with me on my travels.
  7. Pack a bag with the stuff that I won't need, reducing the amount of stressed which will only increase with time.
  8. Attend a photo shoot which goes together with my feature in the uOttawa's Law magazine.
  9. Return papers to the judge I interviewed in the beginning of November.
  10. Pay my phone bill.
  11. Return things that weren't mine. But which I borrowed. Permanently.
  12. Decide what things I am going to throw away or give away before leaving.
  13. Watch Inglorious Bastards and completely fall in love with the movie.
  14. Eat a good bye dinner with Becky, before she left for home.
  15. Print out my tickets.
I am happy I've done most of the stuff which I planned to do the day before leaving. I saved myself a significant amount of stress, and saved my mood. Now I'm only worried about the one hour transit in Chicago, but when I called the airline, they said that it will be "more than enough". Well, it better be, because if I arrive late, I am going to hunt down the person I spoke to and they will never ever again work for the airline. Or anything else for that matter. I will turn them into my personal aircraft, if so would be necessary.

Monday 14 December 2009

Some Random Color

I was browsing through David LaChapelle's celebrities photographs and found this lovely piece.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Saturday 12 December 2009

What I think of exams

That's what I think of exams. Especially 7-hour long exams on subjects that don't make any sense.

Friday 11 December 2009

Tribute to Sak

I miss my Diva. Thanks for introducing this song to me on the trip back from Toronto. I smile to myself when I remember your improvisation of the "American". You're awesome.

No matter where I live...

There will be two things I will to have at home to feel complete:

1. Great soundsystem all around the apartment/house/container/tent. Preferably not too visible, but the sound has to be amazing. This BeoVox1 from Bang Olufson is nice....

Coffee machine. A real one. Sure, I use a cafetier right now, but I would love to be able to make whatever coffee I want whenever I want - perfectly. I'm imagining myself making myself a cup of coffee, listening to music through my amazing sound system. Yes, please!

I will continue updating the list, but I feel that over the years, these are the two first things I really think about when I imagine my future and what it results in. That is, when I think about my living - I think about this. I also want proper kitchen appliances, but that is a crave I am developing because I am growing old and senile. Any moment now I will be discussing pots and plants and I will be recommending what type of chemicals you needs to grow the ultimate orchid.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Sarah's 18th Birthday

Yesterday, I came back from my friend Brittany's place and the 10th floor was celebrating Sarah's 18th birthday. I can only imagine how impatient she was to turn legal AT LEAST on the other side of the river... just one more year and she'll be able to drink anywhere in Canada and not only Quebec! :)

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Which color?

I'm getting a pair of Minnetonka moccasins.. but I can't decide in what color. The purple pair is a limited edition, but at the same the brown one's are the more "classic" pair. Help?

Let it Snow! .... Somewhere else.

First of all, I have a horrendous view out of my window at residence. To one side, I can parts of the canal and the high way, and the other, well, ugly roofs.

Anyways, it began to snow here in Ottawa. A lot. It didn't snow until yesterday, and it decided to snow everything at once. It's not Chrismassy or romantic or whatever, you can't exactly look outside and feel as if you're part of a Christmas carol or something. You look outside and you see snowflakes being raped by the wind, being violently slammed into the windows, walls and ground. The wind is so strong that you can barely walk, close or open doors... Disgusting.

In Sweden, the snow falls, it's crispy, the streets are silent and the cold doesn't appear as painful because it's so friggin beautiful outside. This is not the case. I heard that it's supposed to be 20cm of snow today. I am just going to say... F*CK THAT.

Voodoo Beaver

I know what pillow I want to add to my collection....
I can see this pillow as part of Victor's collection, too.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Hello, Paul Newman.

Hello. ^_^

What I am going to use my rent for.

Meteorite Ring

So... if I ever get paid... I am getting myself a meteorite ring. To wear a piece of space... if I can't go to space right now, then at least I will wear it.

My next present to myself

I am looking for a new necklace which I can wear all the time... my rhino necklace is getting old and rusty.. and i found this beauty. Can't wait for my next loan.

Dream up!

Thursday 3 December 2009

Tuesday 1 December 2009

My future in PR

I have a friend. Her name is Aggie. She is a size 0 yet she eats more than a whole football team put together. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and make a business out of her. I became inspired by a documentary about the heaviest woman on Earth - she weighed nearly a ton. She died shortly after her gastric bypass, but she has appeared on all possible shows and has media attention on her for several years.
This is the plan: Aggie will become the heaviest woman on Earth. It might take a couple of years for someone like her, but it will be possible to work this into a profitable business.
She will become a master in ALL x-box games (and all other game devices except Wii because that might result in her loosing the weight), and she will earn money by playing against other people online (and whatever other methods there are, this will be her responsibility).
As her manager, I will start a myspace, youtube, twitter and facebook account under her name. We will post videos, comments and pictures.
A fund will be opened in her name, and a tv-channel will be started. We might be talking reality TV here, too.
Maybe she will guest star in a show starting with O and ending on H (she might hate the idea now, but this will be good for the publicity of her book). By being on big day time shows, other shows will open their doors for her. Jerry Springer, Rachel Ray (who else to ask for baking recepies of not Aggie the Gigantor?), Ellen DeGeneres will welcome her with open arms once Aggie shares her concern for the Gay Community in Europe, and the Late Night Shows will love her quirky sense of humour.
She will have "lines" which we will copyright, such as "I eat to mute my feelings", and everytime someone says that, we will make money. T-shirts will be designed with her typical saying when she eats "Nom nom nom". It will be available in all sizes (even XXXXL) and several different colors. We will have Pamela Anderson model them with nothing but the t-shirt on, too. Courtney Love can hold a speech at the fashion show, because she brings in the necessary scandalous publicity and she can mutter something incoherent.
Japan will create a Tamagotchi in her name. The sole aim of the Tamagotchi will be to feed Aggie, and if you don't, she slowly grows thin and unhappy. It will have catchy songs and interesting applications.

Aggie is going to publish a book about her struggle with the world and how everyone fails to understand her.

She might have to change her name to somethng more catchy and flowing.

Aggie the Agatator (catchy?) has to also create a dramatic family history. If she does not have a drama filled family, she can always borrow a friends family story and use it as her own.

Eminem can sing about Aggie and her hate towards the world in one of his songs.

Shane Dawson can makes spoofs of Aggie.

Playstation will request game consultations with you, because you will master all games and game devices.

The Agatator will need a private plane, since she won't be able to deal with the public and because she won't be able to fit into a normal one.

Eventually the Agatator will have to check herself into Celebrity Rehab for the abuse of food. Which will end in drama.

Aggie will say retarded things a la Mariah Carey you'll say retarded things.

Perez can host Agatators events, if it turns out to be necessary to add extra drama.

Several pea-brained hot models with be Agators boyfriend's. They will take half-naked pictures of themselves which will leak onto the internet, hence causing more drama leading to the increase of her book sales.

Aggie will demand an OBESITY Conference with the United nations, to eliminate the discrimination against extremely-super-obese people.

Of course Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama are going to be present to discuss this important issue.

Through-out all of this, the Agatator will act her part as the apathetic, emotional celebrity.

THIS is how Aggie will buy her first mansion in Italy.