Wednesday 16 December 2009

It's only Wednesday

And how do I know that I am super-super busy?!
Well, the first give-away sign for me would be my compulsive list making. As soon as I have a build up of stuff to do, I begin making lists. And since I usually never have any proper paper to write my lists out on - I write on receipts, candy wrappers, ripped out journal papers, old essays - anything I can find with one clean side. And I never forget where I put the cluttered sheet of paper. I know what pocket, bag, wallet, book I put these lists in to make sure I don't forget. For me, it serves as a sign that life is moving on for me.

But really, since Sunday I have been one busy bee. Me being busy also serves as a reason to avoid studying for like, you know, 7-hour exams on subjects which are "subjective".

So far, I've had time to:
  1. Order my ungraded transcript.
  2. Buy a bag.
  3. Call the respective airlines for further questioning about my flight.
  4. Cut my hair.
  5. Buy Christmas presents and wrap them.
  6. Make a list to what I'm taking with me on my travels.
  7. Pack a bag with the stuff that I won't need, reducing the amount of stressed which will only increase with time.
  8. Attend a photo shoot which goes together with my feature in the uOttawa's Law magazine.
  9. Return papers to the judge I interviewed in the beginning of November.
  10. Pay my phone bill.
  11. Return things that weren't mine. But which I borrowed. Permanently.
  12. Decide what things I am going to throw away or give away before leaving.
  13. Watch Inglorious Bastards and completely fall in love with the movie.
  14. Eat a good bye dinner with Becky, before she left for home.
  15. Print out my tickets.
I am happy I've done most of the stuff which I planned to do the day before leaving. I saved myself a significant amount of stress, and saved my mood. Now I'm only worried about the one hour transit in Chicago, but when I called the airline, they said that it will be "more than enough". Well, it better be, because if I arrive late, I am going to hunt down the person I spoke to and they will never ever again work for the airline. Or anything else for that matter. I will turn them into my personal aircraft, if so would be necessary.

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