Wednesday 30 September 2009

October is Birthday Month

I am nominating October as the Ultimate Birthday Month. I have several reasons:
  1. It's my birthday on the 17th of October.
  2. I am now the proud owner of The Space Tourist's Handbook, thanks to Crazy Hair Aggie, also known as my fiancé. My life had no meaning before this.
  3. I'm going whale watching the first weekend with Simone and Naru.
  4. Sak is coming to visit next Wednesday, meaning I will celebrate my B-day with his presence AND a have short trip to Toronto.
  5. I'm going to Ingersoll with Shannon, who offered me to go and visit her hometown AND a trip to the Niagra falls!
  6. October is also the birthday month of Crazy Hair Aggie.
  7. We are both turning 20. That is, twenteen.
  8. Halloween, hello?

Saturday 26 September 2009

Techno Jesus

If you haven't felt the love of Jesus lately, just listen to some steamy techno. I think it's kind of funny that the sign is in flames and black (resembling nothing very heavenly like...). You got to catch your crowd somehow, right? The conventional "go to church and pray" approach just doesn't seem as appealing to the young crowd of today.

Just the other day Shannon and I walked right into a sign: "Free Personality Test -Scientology". Yeah, really free.

Hey Mister! Don't Touch My Sister!

This Thursday I was on my way to Mambo with my friend Simone, and we saw a parade of women, walking and screaming "Hey Mister! Don't touch my sister!" and "No means No". Not really knowing what specific interest these women shared, I can guess on Feminist Rights or Anti-Sexual Harassment.

Friday 25 September 2009


Look at these amazing insects! I especially like the first couple of photos...

Wednesday 23 September 2009

What made my day today:

An American law firm proclaimed in a 1991 broschure that going up against them in court was "a little like encountering Genghis Khan on the Steppes".

Memories from Sweden

Sunday 20 September 2009

Are you an animal or a bit of an oven?

Youtube madness

So, I can't put up the video's, but please go and listen to these two songs by Chris Cornell: Part of Me and Scream.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Saturday Night

After burning my face off at the park earlier today, my friends and I decided to go to the cinema and watch All About Steve. I only noticed now that my face is bright red and that I am exhausted, as most people are after being exposed to the sun for a long period of time. Time flew by quickly, I was really into my Carnal Crimes - Sexual Assault Law in Canada, 1900-1975 book which was written by my professor... and which I had only one week to read. Thanks to her amazing narration, it has been a pure delight reading about female victims of the Canadian legal system.

The cinema's here are very different to what I'm usually accustomed to. I sometimes wonder if people go to the movie's to actually see a movie or to dine out. They have everything from the normal movie food (popcorn, candy) to stuff like KFC and Tacobell... You really want to sit in the movie's and smell like beans and onion?

Failed Attempt

So my Swedish Delight and Doodle went out last night to Mambo, and we had plenty of sangria, mexican food and random chats about Sweden.

This is me trying to take a photo of a tree close to the market, later on that same night...

Friday 18 September 2009

Lovely Friday

So, I accidentally met a Swedish girl while paying my residence fees earlier this week. The lady at the counter wasn't sure if I had a credit or a debit card and I was explaining to her that since it's a Swedish card, it's probably different to whatever it was she was accustomed to... While my fee's were being processed, I turn around and get a question thrown straight at me from across the room, "Är du svensk?". At that very moment we decide to meet up some time later this week to fika.

So today, I have been speaking Swedish for a whole 3 hours.. and for the first time in Canada, lol! We both have a hysteria for beads and jewellery, so we went to to the bead store together (I will never get tired going there!) and then she showed me some amazing store's around Ottawa which I haven't noticed before.

Soon I'm meeting up with another friend of mine and I invited my lovely Swede with me. It's a calming thought, knowing that you have nice company.

Thursday 17 September 2009

The Sassy Bead Co.

There is this amazing store in Ottawa called The Sassy Bead Co. and it has EVERYTHING - beads, chains and tools to make jewellery, ornaments, etc.. After carefully going through all the beads offered at the store, I decided that today will be the day when I make a pair of earings for myself. I had an idea of how I wanted them to look like and this store offered all the equipment and help that was needed to create this beauty!

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Bah-bah brilliant!

This is absolutely amazing! Not only is this a lovely photo, but it has a jumping sheep in it... and nothing beats a sheep. Ever. Sheep are the best.

Thank you, Aggie, for sharing this beauty with me.

Monday 14 September 2009

My Girl Likes to Party All The Time

I think this girl knows how to party! Towards 1 am this creature passed out on the shabby seats of "Le Volt", calmly drooling to the beats of Ying Yang Twins. Can a night possibly end better than to "To the window, to the wall, To the sweat drop down my balls"? Cheers to all those who know how to party.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Sensuous Summer

I don't know.. more like psychedelic summer.
I found this picture will trying to find a photo of the advertisement of the new perfume I want to get. And this was far more interesting. I do love what the yellow does to this picture.

Saturday 12 September 2009


Best Ice Cream... ever!

Don't swallow IT!

If you are exhausted of classic literature...

I can barely hold a guitar, not to mention play one...

Buy this for your kid. Do it. Do it!

On the look-out

101-week results...

Thursday 10 September 2009

Settling In

So, today I had my first class when I felt completely helpless and just plain stupid. I was sitting in my first class of Private Law and not only did I feel a little lost in what she was saying (even though I did the required reading for that class) but it was also the words and the concepts that the teacher was explaining. I might have panicked a bit, but I though "I'll go home and do the require reading and see if it makes more sense". Never have I been so wrong. This damn book, my MAIN course material, which by the way, costs $100, was the most confused piece of academic literature I have ever held in my hands. And I have held many, many, boring and misleading books. It was supposed to be a 20 page read about Conflict Law and Constitution (this should have served as a warning), but when I began reading, I realized that I was reading the same sentence over and over again, manically in a desperate attempt at understanding what the author was on about. I hope that the Professor will make more sense in class when she unravels this topic, but right now I just feel extremely scared for what is awaiting in me in the end of my term - a 7 hour take-home exam and this wonderful subject. I really hope it turns out to be something understandable and logical. Otherwise I am so.... you know what word.

Anyways, enough anxiety talk. I went out for dinner with my floor mates - it was really nice. I got to know the people I live with and I don't feel completely alone or lost or whatever.

I feel that I should be more aware of things happening around me, but the idea of checking all these endless websites and being constantly up-to-date feels a little overwhelming right now. I just want to go with the flow and it feels like I have things stopping that.

I went on an amazing bike ride yesterday around Ottawa. My friend Vincent just took me around the area and I got to see all the different sides the city has to offer. I'm probably going to rent a bike again until it gets too cold here.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Nature Girls!

Take a look at the red shoes!

Weirdest roof so far.

This was a shelter for cats.

Pics from Ottawa

Thursday 3 September 2009

If Feist comes from there...

then I really can't wait to get there. Maybe I'll even be able to see her live.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Tiga Shoes

tiga shoes Pictures, Images and Photos


Two days are left until I'm going to Ottawa, Canada. Two days to leisure at home, convincing myself that the my extreme unproductivness will lead me to my end. I assure every reader, that as soon as I step foot into class, and open my first dusty book, followed by 265 other old, dusty, books - I will not feel like a paralyzed, senile three-toed-sloth. After all the issues I had with uOttawa, this exchange will feel more than well deserved.

My exchange has been on my mind for weeks now. In my thoughts, I'm already there. I feel ready to face the problems that will occur on my arrival (accomodation, here I come!) - but I just feel that I need to get away from where I am now. After living alone since the age of 16, spending excessive amounts of time at home gets overwhelming very quickly. Especially when so many things are happening at the same time (new apartment, school, work, papers..).

As a fun fact... Ottawa hosts the annual Tulip Festival. Can't wait.

Fred Tomaselli



Found a new artist which is tickling my senses. Here are some of his pieces.

Fred Tomaselli is from California, and his work standsout due to the emphasis he puts in details. Tomaselli uses different materials to create his paintings. These patterns are made from medical herbs to magazine cutouts, mixed together with bright colors to make his collage-like paintings a window into "a surreal, hallucinatory universe".