Thursday 10 September 2009

Settling In

So, today I had my first class when I felt completely helpless and just plain stupid. I was sitting in my first class of Private Law and not only did I feel a little lost in what she was saying (even though I did the required reading for that class) but it was also the words and the concepts that the teacher was explaining. I might have panicked a bit, but I though "I'll go home and do the require reading and see if it makes more sense". Never have I been so wrong. This damn book, my MAIN course material, which by the way, costs $100, was the most confused piece of academic literature I have ever held in my hands. And I have held many, many, boring and misleading books. It was supposed to be a 20 page read about Conflict Law and Constitution (this should have served as a warning), but when I began reading, I realized that I was reading the same sentence over and over again, manically in a desperate attempt at understanding what the author was on about. I hope that the Professor will make more sense in class when she unravels this topic, but right now I just feel extremely scared for what is awaiting in me in the end of my term - a 7 hour take-home exam and this wonderful subject. I really hope it turns out to be something understandable and logical. Otherwise I am so.... you know what word.

Anyways, enough anxiety talk. I went out for dinner with my floor mates - it was really nice. I got to know the people I live with and I don't feel completely alone or lost or whatever.

I feel that I should be more aware of things happening around me, but the idea of checking all these endless websites and being constantly up-to-date feels a little overwhelming right now. I just want to go with the flow and it feels like I have things stopping that.

I went on an amazing bike ride yesterday around Ottawa. My friend Vincent just took me around the area and I got to see all the different sides the city has to offer. I'm probably going to rent a bike again until it gets too cold here.

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